Empowering Those Who Serve

We are honored to assist these remarkable non-profit organizations that embody our passion for uplifting communities and fostering positive change.


Scarlet Hope exists to help restore the lives of women in the Adult Entertainment Industry.


Coach Ken Lolla’s passion for team & leadership building have enabled him to help athletic departments and businesses across the country.


Elevate’s mission is in building long-term, life-changing relationships with urban youth, equipping them to thrive and contribute to their community.


BsideU for Life exists to protect the lives of unborn children and to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed to those who are facing or have experienced a crisis pregnancy.


Mission Hope For Kids’ vision is to make our community a better place by proactively investing into the lives at-risk children


Since 1954, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes has been challenging coaches and athletes on the professional, college, high school, junior high and youth levels to use the powerful medium of athletics to impact the world for Christ.


Clarity Solutions Centers offer lab quality pregnancy tests, accurate medical information on pregnancy and abortion, and compassionate support during this critical time in your life.

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Matt and Joanna Black are local Christian artists that use their music as their ministry. Their hope is that their music helps others find new life through Christ.

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Sweet Communion Music is a ministry dedicated to sharing Jesus through music and making disciples. Their mission is to create and share compelling Jesus-inspired music and to encourage artists to follow Him well.


Hand In Hand Ministries work hand in hand with individuals and communities to transform lives by responding to expressed needs through cultural immersion, education, housing and health care.


New Beginnings Artisans’s goal is to help refugee women adjusting to life in Louisville. One way they do this is by meeting once a week to create homemade items to sell — soaps, jewelry, and purses.


At Barren Heights, their goal is to love and encourage families affected by disabilities. We do this primarily by providing free weekend retreats and hosting community outreach events for families who have children with physical or developmental disabilities.


Simmons College Of Kentucky is an institution of biblical higher education dedicated to educating people in the urban context through strong academic and professional programs in order that they may become productive citizens and agents of change in society.